T+852 6983 8888
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Hong Kong
T+852 6983 8888

Fill the form & get in touch with us.

Ring! Ring! Get in touch.
We would love to hear about your ideas and the opportunity to create your cases so let’s meet up for a cup of coffee and talk about your idea. You are welcome to contact us through info@casecompetition or by phone at +852 6983 8888.
Our office is located in Hong Kong. You can also get in touch with us on:

Facebook.–– the.case
Skype.–– thecase
Instagram.–– the.case
Work with us.
Do you think we need your skills? Do you have passion for creating? Don´t hesitate and contact us if you want to become part of our organizing committee. Email us on hr@casecompetition.org
We welcome designers, photographers, programmers, web developers and anyone in love with creating with passion.

Please send us your information:
Nationality & Residence.
Work experience.
Technical abilities.
Link to portfolio.
& Why do you want to be part of our team?
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